Monthly Archives July 2014

Loon Banding Completed

On Wednesday evening, July 30, wildlife biologists from BioDiversity Research ( completed banding loons on Watchic Lake.  They were able to get both the male and female swamp loons and the male island loon banded. The female island loon didn’t want to cooperate.  The chicks legs are not big enough to be banded at this time.  Capture was done with a large net and a very bright light.  Several measurements are taken including blood samples, throat swabs, and the birds weight,
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Frugal Farmers

Just a short drive from Watchic Lake, Frugal Farmers is a family-owned business located on beautiful farmland in Buxton where we grow our own high quality plants and produce. We pride ourselves on being super clean with great presentation and during each season offering the best and freshest produce around. We have an outstanding selection of vegetable seedlings, herbs, annuals, perennials, mixed-containers and hanging baskets, many of which are from the Proven Winners line. At the heart of our business,
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Lakescaping – Portland Water District

We all know what “landscaping” is. Ever wonder what “lakescaping” is? Unlike landscaping, lakescaping first assesses the lake front  growing environment and then selects native plants that grow best in that environment. Ideally the plants thrive in your specific soils, moisture, and light conditions and do not  require supplemental water, fertilizer, pesticides or excessive labor to maintain. Laurel Jackson, Water Resources Specialist at the Portland Water District recently spoke at the 2014 WLA Annual Meeting. She had lots of great
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