Monthly Archives August 2015

A Simple Way You Can Help Protect Watchic Lake

Your top three concerns, as conveyed in the recent WLA survey, were avoiding invasive plants, protecting the loons, and maintaining water clarity. Most regular users of the lake know what they can do regarding these three areas. However, many renters and visitors may not know the importance, for example, of removing plant-life from their kayaks or using lead free fishing gear. The Watchic Lake Association has created a simple and compelling sign to help educate your visitors and renters about
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2015 WLA Survey Results Completed

In March 2015 the Watchic Lake Association (WLA) mailed surveys to 230 households on the lake or with right of way access to the lake. The purpose of the survey is to better understand issues and concerns of people that use the lake, and to help guide our short term and long term planning.  Responses and comments have been analyzed and summarized. Read more here. Thank you to all that took the time to respond!  
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The Price of Pollution – Lower Property Values and Poor Quality of Life

Two recent articles provide great examples of how poor water quality, specifically due to algae blooms, reduces property values and general quality of life on the lake. The short message – focus on water quality on a daily basis to avoid long term pollution issues. Eliminate phosphorous, reduce runoff, maintain your trees and shoreline buffer Phosphorus is the leading cause of excessive algae in most Maine lakes. Phosphorus is a nutrient. It supports plant life and algae in lakes, but when there
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