WLA volunteers, as part of the our water quality monitoring program, have reinstalled our red buoy system on the south end of the lake, about mid-way between Watchic Road 5 and East Eleanor Ave (the deepest part of the lake at ~40 feet or 12.5 m). Please use caution when boating near the buoy. Click/touch here to read more about the technology.
In addition to gathering the buoy data, David and Eileen Burnell (certified by the Lake Stewards of Maine) began monitoring Watchic Lake’s transparency and Dissolved Oxygen on May 4 and will continue every two weeks until the dam is opened in the fall. The data gathered by WLA volunteers (submitted to LSM for certification) will allow us to better understand water quality and track changes in order to quickly act to remediate or prevent issues. Touch/click here for more on Watchic Lake water quality.
Cathy Watson and the Burnells plan to attend the Lake Stewards of Maine Annual Conference in July this year. The conference is open to the public (more at https://www.lakestewardsofmaine.org/lake-monitoring-conference-2/ ) The LSM website has a wealth of information including specific data obtained on Watchic Lake and volunteer opportunities.
Water Quality Volunteers Needed
Would you like to help the lake? Learn about the lake and threats to it? The WLA needs volunteers to monitor metaphyton, the filamentous algae resembling green cotton candy, that is prevalent in late summer. The protocol for monitoring metaphyton is on the LSM website. If you you would to help, learn more, or accompany the Burnells when they sample or to discuss lake stewardship at any time, please lets us know via our Contact Us Form.