You are invited and encouraged to become a member of the Watchic Lake Association, make a donation, or become a Business Sponsor.
Click on a button below to use our secure online payments system to help maintain and improve the lake.
Or download our membership form and/or send your check noting your lake address to: Watchic Lake Association, P.O. Box 319, Standish ME 04084. For those of you who were members last year, we thank you for your support.
If you have not been a member before, please consider becoming one. Today’s association is made up of a hard working group of volunteers with the sole mission of protecting Watchic Lake and, in turn, property values. See the How Membership Helps section of this website to learn more about how you benefit. And of course, reach out to the Membership Committee via our Contact Us form if you have questions.

Dave B adjusting the new brackets on the lifting gear
Membership fees are $40 per person ($75 for a family of two) for Watchic Lake property owners More detail on the fees and associated voting rights can be found in the membership form.