Watchic Lake is a 448 acre spring fed lake. The first camp on the lake was built in 1900, and there are now about 250 properties on the lake. Watchic Lake offers clean water, swimming, good fishing, and a variety of wildlife. The Watchic Lake Association works to improve, protect, and preserve the lake’s water quality and fragile ecosystem.
Your 2024 Membership makes a difference!
There is still time to join or renew. The year is coming to end, and while it’s a been a good one of membership and donations, additional support makes a big difference. Not only does it demonstrate property owner engagement, your membership and donations help the WLA provide a myriad of services, such as water quality monitoring and reporting, educating users on how to best keep out invasive species, monitoring water level and adjusting the dam as necessary, maintaining the dam, monitoring and reporting on loon health, and securing grants and donations to address lake issues. If you have not already, please join or renew.
Watchic Lake Regatta – Family Fun Day 2025
The WLA would love to bring back a fun family day like the famous Watchic Lake Regatta. Please fill out our survey to help us gauge interest in activities, races, food, and help us pick a summer Saturday in 2025! We hope to see you there!