The Watchic Lake Association, working together with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection have completed their first project to reduce stormwater runoff into Watchic Lake.
In late 2019, the Watchic Lake Association (WLA) with help from FB Environmental developed a watershed protection plan designed to improve water quality in the Watchic Lake Watershed over the coming 10 years. The plan was approved by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in March of 2020, making WLA eligible to apply for implementation grant funds. In January of 2021, WLA was awarded an implementation grant* in the amount of $125,000. The WLA is now implementing the agreed runoff remediation projects.
During August and September, the first projects have been completed:
- The Town of Standish stabilized the ditch, road shoulder, and culvert at the Paine Brook stream crossing on Dolloff Road. These improvements will trap winter sand, stabilize the stream bank, and reduce sediment entering the stream and thus reduce sediment entering the watershed and Watchic Lake.
- Working with property owners on Watchic Road 3 and Hartford Lane, a number of improvements were made, including installing a 300-foot vegetated swale along the west side of the road, a sediment basin near the western end of the swale, a 100-foot culvert under the road to manage overflow from the swale, a rock sandwich culvert to allow the adjacent wetland to flow and filter underneath the road instead of overtopping the road.
Freda Hobbs of Watchic Road 3 commented “as a property owner on Watchic Lake, I am keen to maintain and improve our water quality. Since this construction was completed, I have already noticed that sand and other debris is no longer washing beside my property and into the lake. The Section 319 grant was just the incentive all the property owners along the road needed to make these improvements”.
“Partnering with the Maine DEP, these projects (and future projects) have been a win-win for everyone,” said Paul McNulty, President of Watchic Lake Association. “Property owners and the Town have been able to install best management practices beneficial to Watchic Lake’s health as well as receive financial assistance to supplement budgets in 2021 and 2022.”
*Funding for these projects, in part, was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. The funding is administered by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection in partnership with EPA. EPA does not endorse any commercial products or services mentioned.
The Watchic Lake Association was founded in 1956. An all-volunteer organization, the WLA has as its overall mission protecting and improving the ecosystem of the Watchic Lake and the Watchic Lake Watershed. In addition to managing the Watchic Lake dam to protect wildlife and minimize shore damage, the association works with property owners, and state and local government to monitor and improve water quality through education and remediation programs. For more information, please contact the Watchic Lake Association at
Established in 2001, FB Environmental Associates is a consulting firm that specializes in environmental assessment, monitoring, planning, mapping, modeling, and restoration projects in the watersheds of New England’s lakes, streams, rivers, and estuaries. FB Environmental is committed to providing reasonably priced, high-quality professional products while maintaining close communication with our clients. For more information contact us at

Watchic Road 3 Culvert and Retention Pond

Watchic Road 3 Rock Sandwich Allowing Runoff Under the Road

New Dolloff Road Outflow