During 2022 many Watchic Lake members and visitors made donations to the WLA above and beyond their dues. And a number of members participated in the DEP Section 319 grant and made significant cash match payments to help complete their projects.
Thank you to these heroes, for your time and investment to help keep the lake clean and healthy!
- Jacob Akers, Watchic Road 3 and Hartford Lane Association
- Appel Rowe Farm
- Bob Babcock, Hi-Vu Road Association
- Rob Brisk
- Thomas and Patricia Cronin
- Michael Hanaburgh, Watchic Road 3 and Hartford Lane Association
- Dawn Hanson, Watchic Road 3 and Hartford Lane Association
- Bob and Izzy Higgins
- Andrew and Alison Hill
- Freda Hobbs, Watchic Road 3 and Hartford Lane Association
- William and Elva Houlihan
- Kiwanis Club of Standish
- Monica Mahoney
- Chris and Elizabeth Martino
- Stephanie and Eric Martuza
- Bruce and Caryl McNulty
- Paul and Nancy McNulty
- Roger Mosley, Town of Standish
- John and Linda Pace
- Deannie Pike
- Kim Reali, Watchic Road 15 Association
- David and Regina Rutter
- Karim Tanefis, Watchic Road 15 Association
- Owen Smith, Hi-Vu Road Association
- Patricia Taylor
- Bridget Young