Q: Launching a boat – can I use my boat on the lake?

A: There is no public boat launch on Watchic Lake. Property owners generally launch their own motorized and non-motorized craft from their own property, a neighbors’ property, or their road association boat launch As a reminder, any boats, canoes, kayaks, and trailers need to be clean and free of any plant life. Milfoil can live out of water for a week or more. Please help us keep our lake free of invasive aquatic plant life.

For Watchic Lake property owners, the Hi-Vu Drive Road Association has generously made their boat launch available to Watchic Lake property owners and their renters. The gate will continue to be locked at all times. In order to use the launch, please call 24 hours in advance of taking your boat in or out of the lake. Plan to leave a message and your call will be returned. Maintaining the gate and launch is a strictly volunteer effort, so your patience and respect for their time is appreciated. The fee is $20.00 per year for unlimited access. Checks can be made payable to Hi Vu Drive Maintenance. Call ahead to:

  • Bob Babcock: 603-781-6437/Terry Fay-Babcock:  207-650-5240
  • David West: 207-712-3698
  • Matt Narel: 207-650-2953
  • Henry Raymond:  207-522-8329/Pauline Raymond:  207-522-9044
  • Owen Smith:  207-776-3080

Using a 4-wheel drive vehicle to launch and retrieve your boat is strongly suggested.

Q: Is it okay to use ‘Lime’ to fertilize my lawn on the lake?

A: Lime isn’t “terrible” compared to other fertilizers, but it still provides nutrients algae’s like (thus decreasing water quality). Recommendations:

  • Wait until fall to apply: it is a common misconception that fertilizers should be applied in the spring. Fall is a better time to apply since it will give the chemical more time to work (adjust soil pH in the case of lime) ahead of the growing season.
  • Watch the weather before applying: it is better for the lawn and the lake if the chemical has a chance to soak directly into the ground an little rain is forecast.
  • Even if organic, a little goes a long way: look for a chemical that is phosphorus free and low in nitrogen. Existing lawns (vs. new ones) should only have a 1/3 to 1/2 the amount listed on the package applied to them.

More information on the proper use of fertilizers can be found at Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

Q: What is Milfoil and why does it matter to Watchic Lake?

A: Watermilfoils are rooted, submerged aquatic weeds found naturally in lakes and streams. Five varieties of watermilfoils are native to Maine and are part of the natural lake ecosystem. Two non-native watermilfoils threaten the quality of Maine fresh waters; Variable leaf milfoil (myriophyllum heterophyllum) is already present in 27 Maine lakes and streams. Eurasian watermilfoil (myriophyllum spicatum), the more aggressive colonizer of the two, has been found in one Maine water body.

For example, once introduced into a lake, Eurasian water-milfoil is virtually impossible to eradicate. It grows rapidly and aggressively, reproducing in dense mats primarily through fragmentation. The introduction of one single fragment of this plant can result in the infestation of an entire lake.

The impacts of an infestation have the potential to be devastating impairing boating, fishing, and swimming, and reducing  water quality.

The Lakes Environmental Association (L.E.A.) website has more information about milfoil.

Q:  Who needs a fishing license?

A: A valid Maine fishing license is required for anyone 16 years of age or older, to fish in inland waters or transport fish taken from inland waters.

License fees are used to by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to provide wildlife conservation efforts.

More information visit the Fishing section of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website. To purchase a licenses online visit MOSES online purchase site.